How to Star an On-Demand App Business

The world of on-demand services has changed a lot, focusing more on being quick and easy. Entrepreneurs now see the need to know how to launch on-demand app businesses. Companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Zomato have led the way, showing how an app-based business model can quickly meet what people need.

Now, 42% of American adults use on-demand service platforms, showing how big the market is getting. These platforms have won people over by making things easy and of high quality. As technology and the economy mix, there’s a big chance for businesses to grow in this area.

But just having potential isn’t enough for success. The key to a on-demand app business is to focus on what users want. This means not just offering services but also making sure people are happy and keep coming back. This is done by providing a great experience and safe ways to pay.

Key Takeaways

  • The on-demand app economy is booming, with revenue projections soaring from $14 billion to an estimated $335 billion by 2025.
  • Investor confidence in on-demand app startups is robust, demonstrated by the exponential investment increase noted between 2014 and 2017.
  • The U.S. spending surge in on-demand mobile services underscores a staggering 58% growth
  • Key industry sectors like transportation, food delivery, and housing are experiencing significant gains within the on-demand economy.
  • Understanding consumer needs and focusing on customer retention are critical to the success of a launching an on-demand service platform.
  • DoorDash’s subscriber growth points to the potential for rapid expansion within on-demand services when scaling and user engagement are prioritized.
  • With the onset of COVID-19, the on-demand economy has seen a significant injection of capital, proving its resilience and adaptability.

Understanding the On-Demand App Marketplace

The digital marketplace has grown fast thanks to software on-demand. These platforms meet the need for service efficiency and smooth user experiences. This has changed what consumers expect and how businesses work. Now, companies must quickly move to digital, making efficient services key in the digital marketplace.

Consumer Adoption and Market Statistics

The pandemic made people turn to on-demand apps, boosting demand for contactless services and digital payments. This shows how consumer adoption in the digital marketplace is growing. On-demand workers are adapting to remote work and focusing on health and safety. This makes their services more efficient and reliable.

According to PwC, the on-demand economy will jump from $14 billion in 2014 to $335 billion by 2025. This shows how fast people are adopting these services and how big the market is getting.

Key Players and Success Stories

Companies like Uber and Zomato are leading the on-demand app world. They’ve changed how we get around and order food. These companies use on-demand models that focus on service efficiency and what users want. For example, Uber has changed how we get food with UberEats, offering quick, efficient, and customizable services.

These companies keep innovating and growing. This shows how profitable and lasting the software on-demand model can be.

Statistic Value Context
Projected Size of On-Demand Logistics $75 billion by 2030 Shows the growth potential in on-demand delivery services
On-Demand Economy Revenue in 2014 $14 billion Shows early adoption
Expected On-Demand Economy Revenue by 2025 $335 billion Shows strong growth and consumer adoption
Investment Increase in On-Demand Businesses (2014-2017) From $74 billion to $10,293 billion Shows big investor interest and market potential

Identifying Your On-Demand Service or Product

The on-demand economy is growing fast. Finding the right on-demand service offerings is key to meeting market needs and what consumers want. Knowing the market potential and consumer preferences helps businesses make products or services better and easier to use.

Assessing Market Needs

To stand out in the on-demand app world, businesses need to look at market data deeply. Uber works in over 900 places, showing big chances in transport. Dropbox’s growth shows how on-demand tech can scale. The big e-commerce markets, set to be worth billions, show where digital on-demand services can thrive.

Looking at specific sectors helps find out what consumers need. For example, fast medical help like Doctor on Demand or easy household chores through TaskRabbit are big hits.

Aligning with Consumer Behavior

Today, people want things fast and reliable. This pushes businesses to meet these needs. UberEats and GrubHub are huge because they deliver food quickly. Using mobile apps for shopping or booking services shows how important easy access is.

When looking at on-demand services, it’s crucial to keep the service quality high and protect consumer data well. This builds trust and keeps customers coming back in a tough market.

Service Category Examples Key Consumer Benefit
Transportation Uber, Flywheel, Curb Convenience, Speed
Healthcare Teladoc, Doctor on Demand Accessibility, Promptness
Food Delivery UberEats, DoorDash, GrubHub Variety, Quick Service
Household Chores Merry Maids, TaskRabbit Reliability, Time-Saving

To do well with on-demand services, you need to really understand the market and what consumers like. Whether you’re entering new areas, making services easier to use, or coming up with new ideas, you have to be smart about it. The on-demand service world is always changing, so you need to keep up.

Developing Your On-Demand App Business Model

The blend of strategic business planning and innovation in service delivery is key to a successful app business model in the fast-growing on-demand economy. With the industry expected to hit $335 billion by 2025, entrepreneurs must create a model that meets consumer needs and adapts quickly to market changes.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: Starting as an on-demand app allows businesses to scale easily into big on-demand marketplaces.
  • Customer-Centric Features: Focusing on user happiness with easy ordering and quick results leads to more users staying with the service.
  • Data-Driven Adjustments: Using analytics to make service better keeps businesses ahead in the competition.
  • Enhanced Online Presence: Being always available through on-demand apps gives a strong edge in the digital market.

For example, e-commerce and healthcare have made their services more quick and easy to use. Companies like Amazon and Uber have shown how a strong app business model focuses on giving customers what they want right away. This is key in the on-demand economy.

This strategy not only meets what customers want now but also sets businesses up for long-term success. It does this in a market where innovation in service delivery never stops.

The On-Demand App Business Concept

In today’s fast-changing digital world, on-demand apps are key to service platform development and digital transformation. They connect consumers with services they need quickly and easily. This creates a world where people get what they want right away and services improve.

Did you know that over 22.4 million people now use on-demand services? They spend a huge $57.6 billion on these services. This shift is changing how we get things done, from food to rides to home help.

On-demand services focus on what users want, offering fast solutions with a personal touch. For example, taxi apps use GPS and easy payments to make rides better for everyone.

Home service apps show how digital change can improve our lives. They offer everything from quick fixes to help for the elderly, all tailored to what users need and when. This makes a strong digital world that listens to what people want.

Service Type Development Cost Key Features
Transportation $100,000 – $200,000 Advanced GPS, real-time tracking
Food Delivery $120,000 – $250,000 Order tracking, complex management integrations
Beauty Services $50,000 – $100,000 Custom scheduling, portfolio displays

From food and groceries to beauty services, each part of the on-demand economy shows the power of a user-focused approach. These services need smart interfaces and strong backend support.

Getting the mix right between vertical and horizontal integration is key to making money and growing. With 42% of Americans using on-demand services, the move to digital is here to stay.

In summary, the on-demand app business is all about quick, user-friendly development. It’s about meeting and beating what consumers want, driving growth through digital change and new ideas.

Designing the User Experience for On-Demand Solutions

In the world of on-demand apps, the *user experience* (UX) is key to standing out. It’s not just about looks; it’s about making the app easy to use and fun. This makes users want to keep coming back.

Apps like Uber, Netflix, and Airbnb know how to make navigating easy. They set the standard for *UI/UX design*. Every new app should aim to be as good or better.

UI/UX Best Practices

Making the app easy to use and clear to see helps users enjoy it more. Features that let users customize their experience, like on Instagram and YouTube, keep them coming back. Regular updates based on what users say are crucial for making the app better.

Incorporating Customer Feedback Loops

Feedback, through ratings and reviews, does two things. It gives valuable insights and builds trust by showing users their opinions matter. This feedback loop keeps the app fresh and relevant, keeping users happy and engaged.

In short, a strong UI/UX is essential for app success today. By focusing on what users want and listening to their feedback, on-demand apps can get more downloads, keep customers coming back, and succeed in the market.

Calculating Costs: Budgeting for On-Demand App Development

Understanding the costs of building an on-demand app is key for businesses entering this market. The price can change a lot based on the app’s complexity, the tech used, and how big you want it to be. We’ll look into how to plan your budget for app development, offering a clear guide for businesses.

With the market growing, on-demand delivery services are expected to hit $335 billion by 2025. This shows why good financial planning for apps is a must. The cost to make an on-demand app can be from $30,000 to $250,000 or more. This depends on if you want basic features or advanced ones like real-time location and secure payments.

For an app to grow and keep up, you need to plan for both the start-up costs and ongoing upkeep. This long-term planning is crucial for keeping your app competitive and running smoothly.

App Complexity Development Cost Estimated Development Time
Basic $30,000 to $50,000 3-6 months
Medium $50,000 to $100,000 6-9 months
Complex $100,000 to $250,000+ 9 months+

Having a solid investment plan helps cover initial costs and prepares for future growth. Successful on-demand services adapt to more users without slowing down. This means you need scalable tech and financial plans.

In conclusion, businesses should think about the whole budget, from the start to the future. Planning well and thinking ahead helps businesses make the most of the growing on-demand app market. This way, they can aim for success and growth.

Navigating Legal Considerations for On-Demand Apps

For businesses in the on-demand app market, knowing the legal rules is key to success. They must deal with many laws, keep user data safe, and follow privacy laws closely.

Regulatory Compliance

Healthcare, transportation, and finance apps face tough legal checks. For instance, transport apps must follow rules on driver licenses and vehicle safety. These rules make sure services are safe and legal for users worldwide.

Not following these rules can lead to big fines and harm a company’s reputation. Using legal tech helps businesses stay on track. Tools like AI and blockchain make following laws easier and keep important documents safe.

Data Security and Privacy

Data breaches are common today, so keeping app data safe is a must. This means using strong security like two-factor authentication and encrypting data. Companies must also follow laws like GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA for handling personal data.

Creating clear privacy policies helps build trust with users. Working with legal experts from the start makes sure these policies are right. This keeps a company’s good name and user trust safe.

New tech in legal fields helps businesses handle legal risks better. Investing in legal tech helps follow current laws and get ready for new ones.

As the on-demand market grows, combining smart legal planning with new tech helps businesses overcome legal hurdles. This approach sets them up for long-term success in a tough market.

Creating a Robust Technology Infrastructure

Building a strong tech base is key for on-demand apps. It ensures a solid technological foundation and service delivery optimization. Cloud computing is leading the way, offering services over the internet. This shift from local servers to the cloud makes things more scalable and secure technology platform.

It’s important to understand cloud computing. Big names like Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure offer different services. Each has its own strengths in features, costs, scalability, and app support systems.

Cloud-based apps grow easily and keep data safe, which is crucial for on-demand services. Using this tech makes apps run better, improves user experience, and makes operations smoother. It also adjusts resources as needed to handle changes in traffic.

Let’s look at how leading cloud platforms compare:

Platform Key Features Scalability Developer Support
Google Cloud Integrated AI and machine learning, extensive network High Comprehensive
AWS Wide service offerings, mature platform Very High Extensive
Azure Strong hybrid cloud support, enterprise-focused High Comprehensive

MBaaS (Mobile Backend as a Service) solutions are also changing the game. They make backend tasks easier, like managing users and sending notifications. This lets developers focus on making a better app and adding new features.

A secure technology platform is key for app success. It supports strong app performance and keeps user data safe. Choosing the right cloud tech is a big decision that affects your app’s growth, security, and success.

Implementing Advanced Features and Functionalities

Today, we see a big push for quick, easy services. Adding advanced features to on-demand apps is key. It makes apps work better, run smoother, and gives users a better experience. By adding features that meet what users want and need, companies can stay ahead and keep up with the market.

Tracking services in real-time and using app analytics gives us a lot of info. We learn about what users like, what they prefer, and how they interact with the app. This info helps make the app better by meeting user needs and improving the service.

It’s not just about making things look good. It’s also about how fast and efficient the service is. These features affect how users feel about the app.

Real-Time Tracking and Analytics

Adding real-time tracking and analytics lets businesses keep an eye on how users interact with the app. This isn’t just a tech upgrade. It’s a big plus that builds trust and transparency. Analytics help us see how people use the app, helping us make it better and more efficient.

Flexible Payment Systems

Having many payment options makes checking out easier. It also helps address security worries users might have. By offering credit cards, digital wallets, and even cryptocurrency, we make sure everyone can pay in a way they’re comfortable with. This makes users happier and more likely to come back.

Having secure, flexible payment options makes for a better experience. It leads to more repeat use and loyalty. The data shows that these features make the app more engaging and efficient, helping it stand out in a crowded market.

By focusing on making the user experience better, adding new features, and keeping up with analytics and payment options, companies can grow their user base and market share. This is key in the fast-paced on-demand service world.

Marketing Strategies for On-Demand App Launches

To make an on-demand app launch a success, it’s key to use targeted ads and partner with influencers. With the on-demand app market worth $57.6 billion in 2023, using smart marketing is crucial.

Targeted Advertising Campaigns

Targeted ads send messages that hit the mark with certain groups of people. By using data on users like where they live, what they like, and their past actions, ads get better results. For example, using location services makes ads more personal and draws in local users.

This focused ad strategy means marketing efforts pay off, boosting ROI a lot—email marketing, for example, brings back $36 for every dollar spent. With over 5 million apps in the App Store and Google Play, a smart ad plan is key to standing out.

Leveraging Social Media and Influencers

Using social media and influencer partnerships can really help an app get noticed. Social media lets apps reach people far and wide, leading to more downloads and user interaction. Sites like Instagram and TikTok are great for showing off the app’s cool features through videos, which now make up to 80% of internet traffic.

Influencers can share stories that make people want to try the app. Their followers can help spread the word, creating excitement and trust around the launch. It’s important to pick influencers who have followers that match the app’s target audience for the best results.

By combining targeted ads, a strong social media plan, and influencer partnerships, businesses can launch their on-demand app successfully. Understanding how to reach the right people and the power of social proof is key to a great launch campaign.

Partnership and Collaboration: Expanding Your Service Network

In today’s fast-changing service world, strategic partnerships are key to growing your business and expanding your service network. Studies show that companies that work together do much better than those that go it alone. They reach more customers and have a stronger market presence.

Many companies have seen a big jump in their service network size thanks to partnerships. These partnerships also help drive new ideas. For example, some firms have doubled their partner deals, just like Mambu did with Impartner’s help.

Benefit Percentage Impact
Expanded Service Network 75% Increase in Customer Reach and Service Offerings
Revenue Growth from Partnerships 65% Direct Impact on Profit Margins and Market Share
Operational Cost Efficiency 60% Reduced Costs Through External Collaborations
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction 80% Higher Ratings in Service Quality and Customer Engagement
International Market Expansion 50% Access to New Global Markets and Demographics

The on-demand app industry is always changing, making strategic partnerships crucial for growth and making customers happy. Experts say that by 2030, ecosystems will add $80 trillion to annual revenue. This shows that partnerships are vital for success in the digital age. Companies with strong partner networks, like those on Salesforce’s AppExchange, lead in innovation and customer satisfaction.

This data highlights the importance of strategic partnerships for on-demand app businesses. They need to include partnerships in their growth plans to stay competitive and meet market demands.

Maintaining Customer Relations and Retention Strategies

The success of an on-demand app business relies on strong customer ties and smart retention plans. Using strategies that make customers feel more engaged and loyal can greatly increase retention rates. This builds a solid customer base.

Personalization and Loyalty Programs

Offering a personalized experience is key to engaging customers. 99% of marketers believe personalization strengthens customer bonds, showing its big impact on loyalty. Loyalty programs are also crucial, as they can make revenue grow 2.5 times faster than without them.

Also, 84% of customers stick with brands that have loyalty programs. Personalized offers in emails can make 65% of shoppers stay loyal.

Customer Service Excellence

High customer service standards are a must. Surveys show 73% of customers like friendly service, and 61% switch brands due to poor service. Automated responses and live chat tools show proactive support, which today’s consumers expect.

Businesses that start communicating first can keep 70% of customers loyal. The link between good customer service and keeping customers is clear. Retaining a customer is much cheaper than getting a new one.

Companies like Santa Cruz Bicycles have changed their customer service to manage more customers better.

Statistics Relevance
New customer acquisition vs. retention cost Customer retention costs 5-25 times less than acquiring new customers.
Effect of loyalty programs on revenue Loyalty programs can help companies grow revenues 2.5 times faster than competitors without them.
Impact of personalization on loyalty Personalized offers in email campaigns lead to 65% of shoppers staying loyal to the brand.
Customer trust and buying behavior 81% of customers deem trust in a brand crucial for their purchase decisions.

By combining personalized experiences, loyalty rewards, great customer service, and trust-building, businesses can keep customers engaged and loyal. This leads to a healthy customer base where customers feel valued and understood.

Scaling Your On-Demand App Business

The on-demand service market is booming worldwide, offering great chances for growth and new ideas. Entrepreneurs aiming to grow their on-demand apps must focus on business scalability and performance measurement. It’s key to use smart strategies to make the most of the digital trend and turn it into lasting success.

Growth Metrics and Performance Indicators

Knowing and using key growth metrics and performance indicators is vital. They give insights for making smart choices. By tracking these, you can see how your business is doing and plan for the future. Important metrics include how many new users you get, how well you keep customers, and the average order value. These show how well your business is doing and how scalable it is.

Vertical Expansion and Diversification

Expanding your app into new areas means offering more services. This could be adding things like instant grocery delivery or live tutoring. By doing this, you reach more customers and reduce the risk of market changes. This keeps your app fresh and competitive in a changing market.

Diversifying and expanding into new areas is crucial. Here’s a table showing different on-demand apps and how they can grow:

Type of On-Demand App Key Features Supporting Scalability
Person to Person Peer ratings, Secure Payment Processes
Business to Person 24/7 Customer Support, Real-Time Inventory Tracking
Business to Business Automatic Inventory Management, Route Optimization

Using new tech and smart strategies can make businesses run better and give customers more value. Top companies show how adding AI chatbots, advanced analytics, and personalized experiences can help grow the market and offer more services.

By using scalability metrics, diversifying, and monitoring performance well, businesses can keep growing and stand strong in the market.

Adapting to Market Trends and Technological Advancements

The world of on-demand services is always changing. To stay ahead, you need to keep up with market trends and use new technology. This helps apps grow and match the changing industry. The on-demand app market is expected to grow to $335 billion by 2025, thanks to tech and what people want.

It’s important to watch how technology changes in the market. New tech like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain are changing how on-demand services work. They make things better for users and help businesses run smoother.

Look at these stats to see how fast this field is moving:

Statistic Value Impact Area
Global market value by 2025 $335 billion Market Expansion
Projected CAGR (Courier delivery 2030) 21.1% Service Delivery Optimization
Technological adoption sectors Multiple (including food, taxi, healthcare) User Reach and Engagement
On-demand economy growth Significant worldwide increase Global Market Penetration

These numbers show how big a role technology plays and how important it is to adapt. More people use mobile apps for different services, like getting a ride or buying groceries. This means apps need to keep getting better to meet what people want, leading to more growth in the market.

Using data analytics to make things more personal is key. It helps keep users happy and loyal, which is good for business. By using technology wisely, companies can work better now and stay competitive in the future of on-demand apps.

Tapping into Global Markets for On-Demand Services

The global on-demand market is growing fast, expected to jump from $57.6 billion in 2017 to $335 billion by 2025. This growth shows how more people rely on on-demand services, especially after the global health crises. Companies are now focusing on international expansion and improving cross-border service delivery.

Key Benefits of Worldwide App Reach:

  • Broadened customer bases through adaptation to multiregional needs and behaviors.
  • Enhanced brand visibility and reputation by consistently delivering value across borders.
  • Increased revenue streams from diverse markets and consumer segments.

The worldwide app reach lets businesses tap into new markets. This helps to reduce risk and create strong economic bases in different regions. For example, apps like Instacart and Doctor on Demand offer fast grocery delivery and health advice, meeting changing consumer needs.

It’s important to know the local market well. This includes understanding consumer habits, laws, and logistical challenges. This knowledge helps in navigating the challenges of international expansion. Companies need to adapt and respect local culture and laws.

The table below shows how different sectors in the on-demand industry are growing. It helps identify where there’s the most growth and potential.

Sector Annual Spend in Billions (USD) Consumer Base (Millions)
Marketplaces (e.g., Amazon, eBay) 25.3 22.4
Transportation (e.g., Uber, Lyft) 20.1 7.3
Food/Groceries (e.g., Instacart, Doordash) 12.2 5.5

Technology is key to international expansion. Mobile apps, AI, and analytics make cross-border service delivery better. Companies like Soothe and Rover show how new tech helps businesses grow globally and stay competitive.


Starting an on-demand app enterprise requires strategy, technology, and a deep understanding of what customers want. To stand out and lead the market, companies must focus on customer-centric strategies. These strategies should be flexible to meet the changing needs of the digital world.

Companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Postmates show what’s possible with an on-demand app. They built their success on innovation and being responsive to the market. This approach has helped them reach the top.

For an app business to succeed, it’s key to provide smooth user experiences, a strong tech foundation, and services that meet customer needs. Uber, Postmates, and Handy have grown big by offering services that people want. This shows how on-demand models can grow and reach many people.

The gig economy is making on-demand services more popular. This gives businesses a chance to improve efficiency, keep customers coming back, and increase brand awareness. Using automation, smart analytics, and features that engage users can lead to lasting success.

As we move forward, those who keep innovating and focus on customer needs will do well. They will start a new era of service delivery and app business success.


How do I launch an on-demand app and ensure its user-centric?

To make an on-demand app user-friendly, start by understanding what your users need. Make sure the app solves real problems or makes things easier. Do market research and talk to potential users to get their feedback. Then, keep improving the app based on what users say and do.

What are some key factors driving consumer adoption of on-demand service platforms?

People love on-demand apps because they offer quick and easy services. They like the efficiency of making transactions and the ability to use their phones. Also, secure payment options are a big plus. Keep these things in mind when making your app to get more users.

Who are some of the key players in the on-demand app marketplace?

Big names in on-demand apps include Uber for rides, Airbnb for places to stay, and Zomato for food delivery. Look at what makes them successful. They focus on making things efficient, improving the user experience, and innovating. These lessons can help you with your app too.

How can I identify the right on-demand service or product for my app?

First, see what the market needs and find any gaps. Then, match your app with what people want and do. Remember, people like things that are easy to get and fast.

What does it take to develop an effective on-demand app business model?

Creating a successful on-demand app needs good planning and innovation. Make sure your app can change with user needs and keep costs low. This way, you can keep up with the changing market.

What are some UI/UX best practices when designing the user experience for on-demand solutions?

For on-demand apps, keep the design clean and easy to use. Make sure the app is easy to navigate. Use clear calls to action and make sure the app is fast and works well.

How should I incorporate customer feedback loops into my on-demand service platform?

Use features like ratings, reviews, and feedback forms in your app. This way, you can make updates based on what users say. Showing users that you value their feedback can make them more loyal.

What are ways to calculate the app development costs for my on-demand service?

To figure out how much it costs to make your app, think about its features and the tech you’ll use. Don’t forget about secure payment gateways and the costs for keeping the app running. Having a detailed budget can help you plan your development.

What legal considerations must I navigate for my on-demand app?

You need to follow privacy laws and keep user data safe. Make sure your app’s agreements and terms are legal. This keeps you in line with the law and builds trust with users.

How do I create a robust technology infrastructure for my on-demand app?

Build a strong tech base that can handle lots of traffic and advanced features. Use reliable servers and good software frameworks. Also, have a plan for support after you launch.

How can implementing real-time tracking and analytics enhance the functionality of my on-demand app?

Real-time tracking and analytics give users the latest info and help you understand what they do. This makes the app more personal and improves service. It also helps you make better decisions based on data.

What should be considered when integrating flexible payment systems into an on-demand app?

When adding payment options, think about credit cards, digital wallets, and in-app buys. Make sure payments are safe and follow the rules. This keeps users trusting your app.

How can targeted advertising campaigns and leveraging social media influencers benefit the launch of an on-demand app?

Targeted ads and social media influencers can make your app more visible. They help get more downloads and interest. Include these in your launch plan to reach your main audience and build excitement.

What are the benefits of building strategic partnerships and collaborations for my on-demand app?

Partnerships can add more to what you offer, reach more customers, and help you grow. Working with other businesses or services makes your app more valuable. It gives users a better solution.

How do personalization and loyalty programs help in maintaining customer relations in the on-demand app business?

Personal touches and loyalty programs build trust and loyalty. They make users feel special. This leads to more repeat use, a strong community, and happier users.

What growth metrics should I monitor for scaling my on-demand app business?

Watch things like how many new users you get, how often they come back, and how much they use your app. Also, keep an eye on revenue and how well the app performs. These metrics help you grow wisely.

How important is it to adapt to market trends and technological advancements in the on-demand app industry?

It’s crucial to keep up with market changes and new tech. Using things like AI and analytics can make your app better. This keeps you competitive and meets what users want.

What strategies should I employ to expand my on-demand service into global markets?

To go global, make your app fit local needs and understand what people there want. Follow local laws and be ready to adapt. Good planning and execution are key to success in new markets.

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